River Glade Archers has four types of memberships; Senior, Junior, Veteran/Student, and Associate Memberships.
All memberships include the ability to complete in all RGA and affiliated associations' tournaments, including: Archery NZ, ECBOPAA (Eastern, Central, Bay of Plenty Archery Association), ADAA (Auckland District Archery Association), NZFAA (NZ Field Archery Association). As local and regional competitions are quite relaxed, they are a nice stepping stone in to major competition environments.

Senior Membership

Junior Membership

Veteran & Student Membership

Associate Membership
Family Discounts
We also offer 20% off for each additional family member.
Please refer to the membership form above for prices or please email if you have any queries.
All archers need to complete a Beginners Course or be assessed by one of our coaches before you are able to independently use the range. After successfully completing the Beginners Course, you are able to use the range on club days.
Shooting fees can be paid each session ($3 outdoor, $5 indoor), via a $60 consession card (20 sessions at the outdoor range), or via the above membership fee which includes shooting fees.
As a member, the usage fees are significantly reduced, otherwise, visiting archers from other clubs and guest's of RGA club members can shoot as a casual archer ($10 + hireage of equipment each time).
Associate membership is only for archers that wish to hold dual membership's at more than one Archery NZ affiliated club.
Please get in contact with us by emailing for more information.